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Gorbachuk M. L. 
On the well-posed solvability in some classes of entire functions of the Cauchy problem for differential equations in a Banach space / M. L. Gorbachuk, V. I. Gorbachuk // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2005. - 11, № 2. - С. 113-125. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

For the Cauchy problem for a differential equation of the form <$E y sup (m) ~(t)~=~Ay(t)>, where A is a closed linear operator on a Banach space over the complex field, the criterion of well-posed solvability in various classes of locally analytic and entire vector-valued functions of finite order and finite type are presented. In the case, where m = 1 or m = 2 and the Cauchy problem is uniformly well-posed, the conditions for the set of solutions of the above equation from a certain class of entire vector-valued functions to be dense in the set of all its solutions are given. This makes it possible to argue the use of power series method for approximate solving of the equation under consideration, and to obtain a priori estimate of the error in this method.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В161.519.9 + В162.131


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