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Berezansky Yu. M. 
The investigation of a generalized moment problem associated with correlation measures / Yu. M. Berezansky, D. A. Mierzejewski // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2007. - 13, № 2. - С. 124-151. - Бібліогр.: 45 назв. - англ.

The classical power moment problem can be viewed as a theory of spectral representations of a positive functional on some classical commutative algebra with involution. We generalize this approach to the case where the algebra is a special commutative algebra of functions on the space of multiple finite configurations. If the above-mentioned functional is generated by a measure on the space of usual finite configurations then this measure is a correlation measure for a probability spectral measure on the space of infinite configurations. The latter measure is practically arbitrary, so that we have a connection between this complicated measure and its correlation measure defined on more simple objects that are finite configurations. The paper gives an answer to the following question: when this latter measure is a correlation measure for a complicated measure on infinite configurations? (Such measures are essential objects of statistical mechanics.)

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В162.43

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