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Rigvava S. 
Investigation of some immunohematologic indices of horse organism immunized with STI B. anthracis vaccine / S. Rigvava, N. Natidze, D. Gogiashvili, M. Bubashvili, N. Chanishvili, N. Vardzelashvili, L. Kavtaradze, M. Kurukhnishvili, M. Tediashvili, L. Gubeladze // Microbiology and Biotechnology. - 2009. - 1, № 1. - С. 101-105. - Бібліогр.: 5 назв. - англ.

For the purpose to determine the effectiveness of vaccination with anthrax STI vaccine of horses some indices of blood like: content of overall proteins in blood serum; phagocytic activity of leukocytes, lyzocyme activity of the blood serum were studied. The level of the anti-anthrax antibodies, synthesized in organism of the vaccinated animals was investigated by the reaction of passive hem agglutination. In experimental animals (3 horses), considering the deviations determines, following indices have been found to be increased: intensity of leukocyte phagocytosis (control - 0,15 - 0,2; after immunization - 0,56 - 1,24); lyzocyme activity; level of overall protein in the blood serum. The titers of the anti-anthrax antibodies, developed in the horse organism (1:80 - 1:160) exceeded the indices of the same antibodies 4 - 8 times, before vaccination (1:10 - 1:20). Elevated number of leukocytes, erythrocytes thrombocytes, and level of hemoglobin were found in the vaccinated animals. Intensive increase of the hematological indices and development of the specific anti-anthrax antibodies determine the immunity of an organism using the STI vaccine.

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