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Beley L. M. 
Dipole glassy state evidence for <$Ebold {{ roman СuInP sub 2 (Se} sub х { roman S} sub {1~-~х } ) sub 6 }> ferrielectric mixed crystals from Raman scattering and optical absorption data / L. M. Beley, O. A. Mykajlo, V. O. Stephanovych, I. P. Studenjak, M. I. Gurzan, Yu. M. Vysochanskii // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2007. - 8, № 1. - С. 13-24. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

The temperature and concentration dependences of Raman scattering and optical absorption spectra for <$E{ roman СuInP sub 2 (Se} sub х { roman S} sub {1~-~х } ) sub 6 > crystals are investigated. Similarly to dynamic disordering of <$Eroman Cu sup +> ions at the transition from ferrielectric into paraelectric phase for <$Eroman {CuInP sub 2 S sub 6 }> compound, static disordering of these ions in the mixed crystals in the dipole glassy state at low temperatures determines rise in the phonon damping and increase in the energetic width w of exponential optical absorption edge. The concentration and temperature dependences w(T,x) clearly reveal "asymmetry" of the dipole ordering on T - x phase diagram: the dipole glassy state smoothly evolves into ferrielectric one, coexisting with the latter under decrease of selenium content till x = 0. The dipole glassy state sharply transforms into ferrielectric phase with growing selenium concentration, passing through the relaxor state in the region of <$Ex~ symbol Ы ~0,7~-~0,8>.

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