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Say A. 
Optical Birefringence and Domain Structure of the as-Grown <$Ebold { roman Rb sub 2x roman Tl sub {2(1~-~x) } roman Cd sub 2 ( roman SO sub 4 ) sub 4 }> Solid Solutions at Phase Transitions / A. Say, S. Sveleba, I. Teslyuk, I. Martynyuk-Lototska, I. Girnyk, R. Vlokh // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2006. - 7, № 1. - С. 41-47. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

It is shown that the as-grown solid solutions <$Eroman Tl sub 2x roman Rb sub {2(1~-~x) } roman {Cd sub 2 (SO sub 4 ) sub 3 }> possess a residual optical birefringence in the cubic phase at room temperature. The existence of both the residual birefringence and the residual domain structure in the compound with x = 0,8 at the room temperature, along with the domain walls orientation and the orientation of extinction positions of the neighbouring domains, indicate that the above domain structure corresponds to "forbidden" ferroelastic domains of the phase <$EP2 sub 1 2 sub 1 2 sub 1>. On the basis of measurements for the temperature variation of the birefringence and observations of the domain structure transformations, one can conclude that the phases with the symmetries <$EP2 sub 1 3> and <$EP2 sub 1> coexist above <$ET sub c1>, in the compounds with x = 0,7 - 1,0. The phase transition temperatures <$ET sub c1 ,~T sub c2>, and <$ET sub c3> obtained from the temperature birefringence variations agree well with those obtained previously, using the studies of thermal expansion and ultrasonic wave velocities.

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