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Fialkovskaya A. 
Stimulation of innovative development of enterprises based on restructuring changes / A. Fialkovskaya // Наук. вісн.. - 2014. - № 4. - С. 115-123. - Бібліогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

The relevance of the research of theoretical and practical foundations of the industrial enterprises' restructuring is substantiated in the article. The need to intensify the development of innovative enterprises to improve their competitiveness and efficiency of their activities is analyzed. The essence of the concept of "enterprise restructuring" as a factor enhancing innovative changes is considered. Conclusions about the feasibility of restructuring in order to achieve sustainable development of the enterprise through the introduction of advanced technologies, growth the share of knowledge-based competitive innovative products and intellectual services, as well as provide appropriate changes in the structure of the domestic market and for export are made.

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