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Maslov Yu. 
Formation of a new configuration of power in Central and Eastern Europe causes of changes and trends / Yu. Maslov // Наук. вісн.. - 2014. - № 4. - С. 173-183. - Бібліогр.: 3 назв. - англ.

Power as a central category of political analysis at all stages of the development of society has undergone its change under the influence of a number of factors influencing its content and institutional conditions for the implementation in practice. Today, political analysts say the system (configuration of power), which is institutionally represented by different institutions, different from each other form of existence, objectives, methods of work, etc. Advanced countries of Central and Eastern Europe are their way of forming an effective system of public power, so it is important now to clearly identify the reasons for the transformation of government and to identify the main trends in the further development of relations between the institutions of power in the near future. Such factors influence is the configuration of power in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe called globalization, democratization, the fall of the communist ideology and the main trend of further development is recognized a gain public control of power.

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