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Boev M. L. 
Fluctuations of the solitary bubble at the separation from the air cavity, compressed by the magnetic field in magnetic liquid / M. L. Boev, V. M. Polunin, O. V. Lobova, I. A. Shabanova, L. M. Chervjakov, A. N. Ryapolov // Журн. нано- та електрон. фізики. - 2013. - 5, 4 (ч. 1). - С. 04014-1 - 04014-5. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

In the article, on the basis of the concept of "display" of geometry of a free surface of the "low-magnetic" environment by the topography of isolines of the module of intensity of a magnetic field, it is studied a form of a free surface of magnetic fluid in a static condition at the initial stage of rapprochement of a ring magnet with a surface of a column of magnetic fluid in a tube and at a stage of pressing of a cavity to a bottom. It is shown that the separation of bubbles from an air cavity occurs in close proximity to the plane of symmetry of a ring magnet on its axis. It is described the method and experimental installation for studying the possibility of electromagnetic indication of sizes of the air bubbles, being in magnetic fluid. It is discussed the results of experimental research on process of a separation of solitary air bubble from a cavity, contained in magnetic fluid and squeezed by ponderomotive forces of a magnetic field which are of interest for creation of essentially new technique of the dosed supply of small amount of gas in the reactor.

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