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Бази даних

Реферативна база даних - результати пошуку

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Garbar Zh. 
Role of non-bank financial institutions in competitive environment of financial market = Небанківські фінансові інститути в системі формування конкурентного середовища на фінансовому ринку / Zh. Garbar // Наук. вісн.. - 2015. - № 3. - С. 51-65. - Бібліогр.: 11 назв. - англ.

Generalized and improved of theoretical approaches to determining the competitive advantages of non-bank financial institutions Disclosed competitive advantage of non-bank financial institutions in Ukraine. Analyzed quantitative and qualitative indicators of development of non-bank financial institutions. Designates the forms of interaction between commercial banks and non-bank financial institutions. Detected of factors predominance of banks over non-bank financial institutions. Designates that the target markets of banking and insurance sectors of the defined segments overlap, but they are heading in different directions. Founded that credit unions may be competitors banks in attracting deposits. Showned that the non-bank financial institutions have considerable potential to expand their activities in the credit market. Substantiates measures to improve the competitiveness of non-bank financial institutions on account of better quality of state regulation in the financial market.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: У9(4УКР)262.1


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