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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Harihara Krishnan N. 
Control of switching characteristics of silicon-based semiconductor diode using high energy linear accelerator / N. Harihara Krishnan, Vikram Kumar Yadav, N. Anandarao, K. N. Jayaraman, S. Govindaraj, Ganesh Sanjeev, K. C. Mittal // Журн. нано- та електрон. фізики. - 2013. - 5, № 2. - С. 02004(4). - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

This paper reports control of switching characteristics of silicon-based semiconductor diode using electron beam produced using linear accelerator. Conventionally, p-n junction chips of diode are exposed to gamma rays from a radioactive source or electron beam from a microtron, depending upon the required level of correction. High energy linear accelerators featuring simultaneous exposure of multiple chips are recent advancements in radiation technology. The paper presents the results of the radiation process using a 10 MeV linear accelerator as applied in industrial manufacturing of a high voltage diode (2600 V). The achieved values of reverse recovery time were found to be within the design limits. The suitability of the new process was verified by constructing the trade-off curve between the switching and conduction parameters of the diode for the complete range using large number of experimental samples. The paper summarizes the advantages of the new process over the conventional methods specifically with reference to industrial requirements. The developed process has been successfully implemented in semiconductor manufacturing.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В379.2


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