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Светличный А. А. 
Исследования, моделирование и расчет водной эрозии почв / А. А. Светличный, А. В. Пяткова // Вісн. Одес. нац. ун-ту. Сер. Геогр. та геол. науки. - 2015. - 20 , вип. 1. - С. 15-27. - Библиогр.: 36 назв. - рус.

Дана характеристика основных направлений эрозиоведческих исследований на кафедре физической географии и природопользования ОНУ им. И. И. Мечникова, начиная с 1970-х гг. Проанализированы основные результаты, полученные в рамках этих направлений под руководством доктора географических наук, профессора Г. И. Швебса и в современный период. Выделено ведущее направление современных исследований водной эрозии почв на кафедре.

Подано характеристику основних напрямків ерозієзнавчих досліджень на кафедрі фізичної географії і природокористування ОНУ імені І. І. Мечникова, починаючи з 1970-х рр. Проаналізовано основні результати, одержані в рамках цих напрямків під керівництвом доктора географічних наук, професора Г. І. Швебса та у сучасний період. Виокремлено провідний напрямок сучасних досліджень водної ерозії грунтів на кафедрі.

Water soil erosion is one of the most widespread in the world processes of the modern soil degradation. It affects all the components of landscapes by its negative consequences. A problem of water soil erosion is one of the most actual ecological problems which are standing before humanity and really determining the national safety of many countries of the world. Since 1973, when the Department of Physical Geography and Nature Use was headed by Henry I. Shvebs, the Doctor of Sciences in Geography, Professor, were deployed research on water soil erosion in different areas, including both theoretical and field, experimental research and application development related with the decision of actual economic problems. During the preparation of the articlethe publications of Henry I. Shvebs, his staff and disciples were used, including monographs, articles and reports, also the reports on the performance of the research state budget and contractual topics, dissertations at erosion subject which were prepared at the Department. In this case, the problem-chronological, comparative historical and analytic-synthetic research methods were used. In erosion topics of research and applied work of the Department there are the following directions: the research ofthe manifestation of erosion processes in different natural and economic conditions; – the studies of the regularities of the formation and factors of water soil erosion, ravine erosion and runoff channel sediments; – the theoretical studies of watersoil erosion as the dialectical unity of the processes of soil erosion, transport and alluviation; – the mathematical modeling, development and improvement of methods for calculating the factors of water soil erosion; – the development of methods forestimating the parameters of mathematical models and methods for calculating the characteristics of water soil erosion; – the development of methods and quantitative estimating of the efficiency of antierosion measures; – the theoretical researches on the proving of the rational use of erosion-proned lands; – the development of a computer system of agrolandscape design as a tool for implementation of research results for different applications; – the solution of practical tasks on optimization of the use of erosion-proned rainfed and irrigated lands. The researches, modeling and calculations of characteristics of water soil erosion are the main directions of scientific work of Department of Physical Geography and Nature Use of Odessa National I. I. Mechnikov’s University during more then forty years. Water soil erosion problem in the country, and all over the world does not lose its relevance in the present time. In this case, modern research which are aimed at satisfaction of practice to optimize the use of erosion dangerous lands on the basis of modern science are perspective, including soil erosion science and modern geographic information systems and technologies. Keywords: water soil erosion, mathematical modeling, calculation, rational.

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