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Кічук Н. С. 
Методика розрахунку характеристик максимального стоку дощових паводків на території півдня України / Н. С. Кічук // Вісн. Одес. нац. ун-ту. Сер. Геогр. та геол. науки. - 2015. - 20 , вип. 2. - С. 24-34. - Бібліогр.: 8 назв. - укp.

Обгрунтовано науково-методичну базу для розрахунку максимальних модулів стоку дощових паводків рідкісної ймовірності перевищення невивчених річок і тимчасових водотоків на Півдні України та по всьому басейну Південного Бугу.

Обосновывается научно-методическая база для расчета максимальных модулей стока дождевых паводков редкой вероятности превышения неизученных рек и временных водотоков в регионе.

Purpose and objectives of the article are to improve the regulatory calculated framework to determine the characteristics of stormwater maximum runoff, compared to the current SNIP 2.01.14-83 and its implementation within the territory of southern Ukraine. The oject of the study is the maximum rainwater floods within the territory of the South of Ukraine in order to further improve the existing regulatory framework to determine its design characteristics of a rare probability of exceedance. Methodolohy. To study the maximum runoff of rainwater freshets (runoff depth and maximum water discharges) the data of perennial hydrometeorological observations on the rivers of the South Ukraine (of the Southern Bug’s basin, the area between the rivers Danubeand Dniester, Black Sea lowland and adjacent areas) were used. The theoretical model is based on the use of the scheme isochrones lag flood waves in the river network. Structure of estimated formula of maximum flow module corresponds to the natural process of transformation inclined inflow channel run (with the help of two functions, one of which is caused by the duration of the channel lag and the other – the effects of channel-floodplain regulation). Given the extremely sparse network of hydrological stations on the territory under consideration in the calculation formula have been involved with daily maximums and warm season rainfall runoff coefficient. Results. It has been possible to average for the whole of the South of Ukraine daily maximum rainfall the probability of exceeding P = 1 % at 100 mm. The coefficients of the channel-floodplain regulation of maximum flow modules are presented in tabular form, depending on the size of catchment areas. Since the transformation function of channel formation times of floods and flood plain regulation of channel depends on a single argument – the catchment area for the region South of Ukraine it was possible to combine these functions and thereby to simplify the calculation formula. The accuracy of the proposed method is at ± 18.5 %, which corresponds to the quality of the initial information on the maximum flow of rivers, as well as the requirements of the applicable regulations.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д225.23 + Д225.33


Шифр НБУВ: Ж69659:Геогр. Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 
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