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Дятлов С. Е. 
Изменчивость содержания нефтепродуктов в воде и донных отложениях Одесского региона северо‑западной части Черного моря / С. Е. Дятлов, Н. Ф. Подплетная, С. А. Запорожец // Вісн. Одес. нац. ун-ту. Сер. Геогр. та геол. науки. - 2015. - 20 , вип. 2. - С. 159-169. - Библиогр.: 12 назв. - рус.

Приведены результаты долговременных наблюдений за содержанием нефтепродуктов в воде и донных отложениях Одесского региона Черного моря за период 1988 - 2011 гг. Установлены основные закономерности пространственного распределения и пространственной изменчивости содержания нефтепродуктов в районе исследований. Созданы карты пространственного распределения нефтепродуктов района исследований в 2009 - 2011 гг.

Наведено результати довготривалих спостережень за вмістом нафтопродуктів у воді та донних відкладеннях Одеського регіону Чорного моря за період 1988 - 2010 рр. Встановлено основні закономірності просторового розподілу та просторової мінливості вмісту нафтопродуктів у районі досліджень. Створено карти просторового розподілу нафтопродуктів району досліджень у 2009 - 2011 рр.

The purpose of this paper is to assess the pollution of polygon “Odessa region of North-Western part of Black Sea (Odessa region NWBS)” by oil products based on longterm observations. Scope of the work: analysis of quantitative content of oil in seawater and bottom sediments.. Methodology.Water samples were taken with a 4-liter Molchanov bathometer. Samples of sediment were taken with a Petersen grab with 0.1 m2 sampling area. MPC oil in sea water is 0.05 mg∙dm–3. Since the MPC for sediments in Ukraine is not yet approved, it has been used by the deviation of the background content of petroleum products to 1, 2 and 3 σ in the period from 2009 to 2011. GIS-based maps were created by a computer program Map-Info. In 2010, before the start of the expedition in the catchment area heavy rains brought a huge amount of solid matter to the sea. In 2009 and 2011 there were any significant rainfalls. Finding. The intensity of the contamination of the water column in the polygon of “Odessa region ofthe Black sea” changed depending on the observation period (the first phase: 1988–1999, the second phase: 2005–2011), season and water level. In the first phase the surface layer of water contained 0.06 mg∙dm–3 oil, and the bottom – 0.04 mg∙dm–3 oil; the second phase correspondingly 0.05 mg∙dm–3 oil and 0.04 mg∙dm–3 oil in the surface and bottom horizons. In the second phase of research in the summer there was a sharp decline of oil content due to the higher temperature of the water in which processes of self-purification are faster. Until 1996 the curve of oil content in sediments averaged over the year was serrate and since 1997 it took almost straight focus with minor fluctuations. Using GIS technology it was found that in 2009 the area of the seabed covered by three classes of oil contamination was 73.91 km2, in 2010 this area decreased to 60.93 km2, and in 2011 it sharply increased to 157.90 km2. Average oil content in sediments had a similar trend: 0.45 mg∙g–1 dry wt,0.47 mg∙g–1 dry wt and 1.04 mg∙g–1 dry wt in 2009, 2010 and 2011 respectively. Result. Water pollution of the polygon changed depending on the observation period, the season and the horizon. Average oil content in the water ranged between 0.004 to 0,06 mg ∙ dm-3. In summer, the oil content in water is reduced by the intensification of selfpurification processes. The curve of average oil content in the sediments of the test site until 1996 was of a sawtooth nature, and since 1997, it takes nearly a straight direction with minor fluctuations. In 2010 a huge amount of rain water with solid matter has not led to an increase of the bottom of the polygon occupied by three classes of petroleum products, which indicates that this type of pollution inthe sea comes from a local source. It is found that there is a correlation (-0.46, p 0.05) between the oil content in sediments in the polygon and the annual runoff of the Danube from 1988 to 2011. Effective measures to reduce oil sea have to be based onthe results of long-term comprehensive studies in the northwestern part of the Black Sea.

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