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Докторович И. В. 
Проблемы при измерениях интегральной чувствительности фотоприемников и некоторые пути их решения / И. В. Докторович, В. Н. Годованюк, В. Г. Юрьев, В. Г. Житарюк // Технология и конструирование в электрон. аппаратуре. - 2015. - № 2/3. - С. 53-60. - Библиогр.: 11 назв. - рус.

Рассмотрены трудности, возникающие при измерении интегральной чувствительности фотоприемников в различных спектральных диапазонах (в инфракрасной, видимой и ультрафиолетовой областях). Предложены пути решения проблем использования источников с разными спектральными характеристиками и приведены результаты исследований метрологических характеристик разработанных методик проведения таких измерений.

The research work deals with the problems in measurement of integral sensitivity of photodetectors, which arise while using them in standard methods of visible and infrared radiation of the sources of radiation with different spectral composition of the flow. First of all, it is the usage of incidence lamps and of absolute black body. To provide the unity of carrying out the measurements by producers and users of photodetectors, the specific methods with the appliance of specific means of measuring equipments are recommended in this research work. The analysis and the assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the means of measurement which are used are done in this work. Also, metrological characteristics of the methods which are used, the reasons of increasing errors and possible ways of their decreasing are provided. The work’s results give specialists the opportunity to determine the level of the measurements done by them or to choose the optimal variant of measuring means. It is more difficult to solve the problems in measuring integral sensitivity of photodetectors which are sensitive in ultra-violet range. The production of ultra-violet detectors is not metrologically based - standard documents and control photodetectors are not provided. The authors of the article give the results of researching the methods of measuring, analyzing different types of radiation sources, their disadvantages and advantages; give the methods and errors of measuring of integral sensitivity of photodetectors of ultra-violet range.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В342.8


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