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Demin V. F. 
Deformation of country rocks near mine workings depending on factors affecting / V. F. Demin, N. A. Nemova, T. V. Demina, A. D. Karataev // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2015. - № 4. - С. 35-39. - Бібліогр.: 6 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Creating a technology of intensive and safe excavation mining on the basis of identified behavior patterns of the adjacent rock massif, optimizing the parameters of preparatory work technological schemes that enhance the underground mining efficiency. The idea is to use man-caused stress-deformed state (SDS) to develop an effective technology of the marginal massif reinforcement. Methodology. Methods of the bolting selection involves computational modeling complex and field measurements in underground conditions. Implementation of analytical and experimental studies has revealed the dynamics of deformation processes in coal-rock massif around workings which allows to control the progress of geomechanical processes in the marginal massif in order to overcome the undesirable rock pressure phenomenon and ensure stability of supported excavations. Findings. Identified change patterns of coal rock massif stress-deformed state (displacements, strain, fracture zones) related to the main geological and mining factors allow to determine the optimum reinforcement parameters for enhancing development working stability. This will allow to develop new and improve the existing technologies for effective and safe reinforcement of marginal rocks for mining on flat and inclined coal-beds, relative to changing geological and mining conditions. Originality. Originality of the proposed method arises from the following: the massif state regularities are revealed for its geomechanical characteristic control are revealed; identifying patterns of the SDS change allow to select the best bolting option, when the joint work of the anchor and the rock makes it possible to adjust bolting features to the massif marginal deformation characteristics. Practical value. The advanced technological solutions have been developed to provide innovative ways and means of excavation bolting, adaptive to various mining conditions.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И14-11 + И141.31


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