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Chaabia R. 
A preliminary study on Anini deposit iron ore enrichment in order to use it in metallurgical industry (Algeria) / R. Chaabia, M. Bounouala, M. L. Boukelloul // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2015. - № 4. - С. 44-50. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The study of iron ore from the Anini opencast mine aimed to develop its mineral resources for use in the metallurgical industry by ArcelorMittal Annaba (Algeria). The chemical, mineralogical and particle size analysis of representative samples showed that the studied ore is of the hematite type of clay-siliceous gangue. The preliminary enrichment was carried out based on specific properties of the iron ore. Methodology. The characterization of the ore was carried out based on the sample analysis by means of X-ray diffractometer, reflected light optical microscope, and scanning electron microscope of type SEM 7001F. The preliminary mineral processing tests were carried out in a washing apparatus with the aim of removing the argillaceous gangue from the external surface of iron ore particles. Findings. A grain size analysis carried out on Ro-tap screening machine with a sample of 500 g crushed to 5 mm particle size showed that the release mesh of iron minerals is at about 0,5 mm. Iron content is in average >> 50 %. Its weight in the output makes 70 % of the total mass of the sample. The tests on preliminary mineral processing by washing showed encouraging results regarding iron content and recovery. Originality. The originality of this research consists in the application of the washing process to clean external surface of iron ore particles of the argillaceous gangue. The process suggested is inexpensive and very effective. The cost of a ton of the rich ore is low. Practical value. Industrial application of washing method is very practical and simple-to-use. Light particles come to the top and heavy particles of iron sediment. The argillaceous gangue can be utilized in cement factories.

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