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Konchakivskyi I. S. 
Special features of chlorites of the Vyshkovo ore field metasomatic rocks (Transcarpathia, Ukraine) / I. S. Konchakivskyi, S. I. Tsikhon, V. B. Stepanov, R. Ya. Serkiz // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2015. - № 6. - С. 11-15. - Бібліогр.: 5 назв. - англ.

Objective. To investigate the features of morphology, chemical composition, structure and formation conditions of metasomatic rocks chlorite of the Vyshkovo ore field metasomatic rocks. To determine changes of the mineral in the gold-plumb-zinc mineralization area. Methodology. The microscopic, electron probe and X-ray crystal methods were applied to investigate the chlorite. Findings. It has been found out that the chlorites of Bania and Shute ore occurrences belong mainly to the picnochlorite-brunsvigite group, partially to the diabantite and repidolite. In direction to the mineralization area, the chemical composition change of the chlorite has been detected, i.e. decreasing of Fe content and increasing of Si, Al, Mg, Mn content. The defined chlorites formation temperature is 180 - 280 <^>oC. Originality. It is the first research of the composition and some features of the metasomatic rocks chlorites on gold mineralization within the Vyshkovo ore field; in direction to the mineralization area, the chemical composition change and the formation temperature have been defined. Practical value. The chlorites composition is an important prospecting indicator that can be used for the hidden gold-plumb-zinc mineralization prospecting. The thermal regime of the creation of beresites formation chloritization area has been determined. The obtained results can be used for comparison with other regions where the gold-plumb-zinc mineralization is spread or possible.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д347.5


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