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Haiovskyi O. V. 
Activation periods of Kirovohrad protoplatform block (Ukrainian shield) and formation of diamond-bearing rocks / O. V. Haiovskyi // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2015. - № 6. - С. 15-24. - Бібліогр.: 6 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Reconstruction of the endogenous diamond-bearing formation stages in the geologic history of the Kirovohrad block (Ukrainian shield) protoplatform structure development for determination of possible diamonds sedimentary reservoirs geological age. Methodology. Deep geological and geophysical studies of the lithosphere, the structural-tectonic analysis of the Precambrian basement, complex structural-formational division of geological bodies. Findings. The Kirovohrad block of the Ukrainian shield refers to promising protoplatform diamond blocks due to localization of diamond structures and formations. It has been established that the geological and structural-tectonic preconditions of endogenous diamond-bearing rocks formation were laid in the Early Precambrian at the stage of protoplatform regime. They appeared on the stages of activation, which occurred from Middle Proterozoic till Paleocene in the Kirovohrad block. It is evidenced with lithological, structural and formational features, and age characteristics of rocks which are associated with diamond formations. Alluvial diamond concentration associated with young and modern Phanerozoic sedimentary formations have been caused by the destruction of ancient endogenous sources. Originality. Geological, structural and epoch conditions of the Kirovohrad block diamond-bearing rocks formation have been considered through the general background of direct evolution development of the Earth crust in the Precambrian and Phanerozoic. Special attention is paid to the Precambrian period, because of favorable geological and structural-tectonic conditions for diamond-bearing rocks formations. Practical value. Allocation of activation and diamond-bearing rocks formation epochs allows orienting forecast metallogenic studies and applying a number of important control factors during the search and exploration of this type of mineralization: geological-structural, geochronological, stratigraphic, lithological, paleogeographic. Taking into account space-time regular position of diamond-bearing formations while analyzing protoplatform structures it is possible to estimate the probability of diamonds presence on their territory and also to predict the diamond-bearingness of territory.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д59(45УКР)0


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