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Fedorov V. A. 
Quality management of educational institutions in protecting students' health: conceptual and structural-functional innovations / V. A. Fedorov, N. V. Tretyakova // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2015. - № 6. - С. 134-143. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The research aims to support quality assurance concepts of educational institutions in protecting the health of students and in developing of a strategic framework for its management, based on the provisions of the ISO standards. Methodology. The authors used theoretical methods such as historical and logical, comparative, analytical methods, systems analysis, modeling and forecasting. Empirical methods included the study and generalization of pedagogical experience. Findings. Conceptual provisions of quality assurance of the work of educational institutions for the protection of students' health are developed, presented in the form of objectives and management principles. The implementation of the selected quality management principles in the study of students' health necessitates the allocation of internal reserves of educational organizations for the creation of the health services department. The health service provides for the implementation of the key actions aimed at the promotion of students' health and includes in its structure a number of specialized units (medical, sanitary, hygienic; valeological, pedagogical; sports and recreation; psychological and pedagogical; monitoring). The work of the units is focused on the appropriate course of actions, their specificity in the description that most closely represents all aspects of students' health the interdepartmental social partnership. The head of the service and each of its staff members has appropriate powers and responsibilities. Despite the shared aims of the units' functions (diagnostic, prognostic; informational, advisory; scientific coordination), the spheres of competence of various specialists involved in health protection activities are separated within the service, while maintaining the common strategic direction. Originality. The concept of "the quality of the work of educational institutions for students' health protection" is clarified. It is understood as the organization's ability to perform at the required level of its responsibility for the preservation and promotion of the health of students. The concepts of quality assurance of activities of educational institutions aimed at students' health protection are developed along with the strategic guidance on the management of quality. A structural and functional health service model is proposed. The research provides methodological and conceptual foundations for the development of quality management of educational institutions in their work aimed at students' health protection to solve important methodological, theoretical and practical problems. Practical value. The results of the research can be used in the educational practice to ensure the quality of work of educational institutions aimed at the protection of students' health.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч481.354.5


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