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Poliakov B. N. 
Fatigue properties of the material of large-sized details / B. N. Poliakov // Металлург. и горноруд. пром-сть. - 2015. - № 7. - С. 76-82. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

The unique statistically exact and reliable estimations of parameters of curves of fatigue of materials of the samples, which have been cut out from large-sized forgings in external diameter of 1300 mm from four marks steels, from which produce bearing details of the metallurgical equipment were presented, at fatigue tests for a bend with rotation and a symmetric cycle loading, and also the full probabilistic diagrams of fatigue, displayed by the equations of regress, containing new parameter - probability of destruction, and possessing high accuracy and reliability. The new methodology of consecutive and correct application of the computer for construction of full probabilistic diagrams of fatigue, without what - or assumptions, simplifications and the manual graphic constructions, providing their high informative value and reliability is demonstrated. The new scientific problems the decisions of which will provide the increase of economy and informativeness of fatigue tests are offered.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К222.062.23-1


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