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Chala V. 
Megapolices in European economy: perspectives of development / V. Chala; Pridniprovsk state acad. of civil engineering and erchitecture. - Dnipropetrovsk, 2014. - 177 c. - англ.

Досліджено фактори, від яких залежить функція економічного розвитку. Запропоновано впровадити методологічну модель факторів трирівневої системи міського мега-економічного керівництва й ієрархічного взаємозв'язку, яку емпірично доведено на прикладі метрополій ЄС. Інтегруючий метод оцінювання подано у вигляді індексу мегаполісного творчого розвитку.

The monograph concerns grounding of the consideration that creative function in economic development crucially depends on such factors as modern creative industries complex, traditional creative industries complex and creative basis of metropolis economy. It is correspondingly proposed to accept methodological model of the three-level factors system of city mega-economic leadership and the hierarchical interrelation in which have been empirically proved on example of EU metropolises. For these means the integrating evaluation method was introduced in form of metropolis creative development index (MCDI) comprised of nine indices referring three morphological levels of model. It is presented in the monograph that peculiarities of creative function development in EU metropolises are connected with one of three principal models - globalizing, expanding and accumulative. There are also presented the results of European identification of the Ukrainian metropolises. Applying the same MCDI methodology to Ukraine’s urban leaders enabled grounding further convergent EU models: globalizing model in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovs’k and Donets’k, correspondingly - expanding model for Lviv, Kharkiv and Odessa, and - accumulative model for Zaporiz’ja and Kriviy Rig.

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