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Yaroshevich N. P. 
Dynamics of vibrating machines starting with unbalanced drive in case of bearing body flat vibrations / N. P. Yaroshevich, I. P. Zabrodets, T. S. Yaroshevich // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2015. - № 3. - С. 39-45. - Бібліогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Improvement of dynamic and power descriptions of the vibration machines with inertia vibration exciters. Methodology. The vibration mechanics approaches and motions direct division method are used for analytical researches. The design of vibromachines running processes is executed by using the numeral integration of mechanical vibration system motion equalizations and the electromagnetic transients equalizations in asynchronous electric motors in the "Maple" software environment. Results. Expressions for vibration moments (additional dynamic loading caused by the bearing body's vibrations) during the resonant zone passage by vibration machines with the bearing body flat vibrations both with one arbitrarily located vibration exciter and with two self-synchronization vibration exciters for the different starting modes have been received in an analytical form. The running process improvement possibilities of vibration machines with unbalanced vibration exciters are demonstrated by using the "double" (in case of one vibration exciter) and "separate" starting of electric motors (in case of two vibration exciters) methods. It is shown that the first method is based on using semi-slow vibrations arising in the resonant zone, and that in the engine-off case in this zone, the vibratory torque acting on its rotor becomes rotating. The conditions when the separate starting is effective are shown. Conclusions and practical recommendations that allow facilitating of vibration machines with an unbalanced drive starting are pointed. Scientific novelty. Theoretical positions of vibration machines with unbalanced vibration exciters running dynamics that are operated by the asynchronous electric motors with a limited power have got further development. Practical significance. The results of scientific work allow decreasing the working body resonant vibrations of vibration machines, the dynamic loading on the electric motor rotor and the machine construction elements, the electric drive necessary power, and the currents inrush.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ж605.3-02


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