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Moskalyova T. 
Cross way of steel rope fastening to a single-drum mine hoisting plant with the location of pulleys on the same axis / T. Moskalyova, M. Polushyna // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2015. - № 3. - С. 56-62. - Бібліогр.: 3 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To study the impact of the methods of steel rope fastening to a single-drum mine hoisting plant with the pulley location on the same axis on the minimum distance between the rope strings in static and dynamic regimes. Methodology. A mathematical model for determining the distance between any points of the steel rope strings in statics has been developed. To study the transverse-longitudinal oscillations of a steel rope string the finite element model of a hoisting plant has been made. Findings. It was shown that for the cross-method of rope fastening in case when internal deviation angle is smaller than external one the friction between the winding rope and the adjacent rope wrap is excluded. The impact of rope oscillations on the minimum distance between them for the cross-method of fastening ropes was assessed. Originality. Larger distance between pulleys or the number of empty flutes between the winding up and uncoiling branches on a drum increases the distance between the strings of cross-disposed ropes. A criterion of contact absence between the rope strings for cross fastening was introduced. Practical value. The cross way of steel rope fastening to a single-drum mine hoisting plant with location of pulleys on the same axis reduces the pitch of winding rope, thereby the rope capacity of a hosting plant and the lift depth are increased.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И166-53-045.1


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