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Temchenko O. A. 
Change of energy consumption current trends by production of iron ore production / O. A. Temchenko, O. S. Maksymova, G. V. Temchenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2015. - № 3. - С. 89-94. - Бібліогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

Purpose. On the basis of research of technical and economic indicators of mining and processing production to develop the model of formation and management of energy saving at the mining enterprises. Methodology. During this research the methods of the technical and economic analysis for an assessment of a moderrn energy consumption at the mining and processing enterprises, specification and synthesis - for identification of the factors influencing volumes of consumption of energy resources, system analysis - for generalization of the theoretikal and methodological principles of formation of power consumption optimum level of mining and processing production products were used. Findings. The offered model of organizational and economic energy saving at the mining enterprises allows to increase effective management of this process significantly. For definition of the directions of a correcting of organizational and economic and technical and technological actions for energy saving and improvement of system of material stimulation of the personnel of the mining enterprise it is necessary to carry out the monitoring of use of energy resources allowing to estimate expediency of further implementation of energy saving projects and appropriate technologies on natural and cost indexes and also will provide introduction of rational system of motivation of energy saving. Originality. Consists in system approach application in the expenses management of energy resources at the mining enterprises. At the operating level of management of the mining enterprise methodical ensuring motivation of the personnel of separate structural divisions to energy saving which is based on use of coherence of social and economic interests of the employer and hired worker is considered and allows to reach the maximum economy of energy resources of the enterprise taking into account the period and standards of their planning. Practical value. The developed model allows to define the actual expenses of energy resources and effectively to operate their use by production of iron ore production in the conditions of limited financial opportunities of the domestic enterprises.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И41-42


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