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Byelikova N. 
Organization of volunteer health-saving activity of future specialists in physical education and sport / N. Byelikova, S. Indyka // Фіз. виховання, спорт і культура здоров'я у сучас. сусп-ві. - 2016. - № 1. - С. 29-34. - Бібліогр.: 3 назв. - англ.

Processes of reforming of educational field of a country are defined by new priority courses of professional preparation of future specialists in physical education and sport. Special meaning has orientation of their professional preparation at activity aimed at health-saving, its component is volunteer activity. It is revealed various forms of health-saving volunteer activity in the sphere of physical culture and sport: one-time events or continued programs aimed at saving health of different sections of population by means of providing rehabilitation, health-improving, mental, emotional, everyday aid to those who need it. It was analyzed the peculiarities of curative work of students-volunteers: proposed for children of preschool and junior school age - health-improving events "Game festival for children with special needs", "Fun starts: be healthy"; children of middle and senior school age - psychological game "Friends over the phone: tell about your problems", round table "Modern understanding of healthy lifestyle", health-improving program "Summer recreational games"; for the youth - health-improving project "Summer gathers friends", sports event "Regional recreational games of Volyn region". It is established that about readiness of future specialists in physical education and sport to volunteer health-saving activity it is proved availability of abilities and skills of organization of healthy lifestyle and formation of health culture of a human, organization of activity aimed at health-saving. It was analyzed the results of questioning of 981 students of higher educational establishments that witness that about 50 % of students own skills of healthy lifestyle and formation of health culture of a person taking into account national, age, sex and individual peculiarities; - of students own skills of organization and realization of activity aimed at preventive measures and health-saving that reflects their readiness to planning and realization of volunteer health-saving activity. Attraction of students to new spheres and recreational forms of volunteer activity contributes to organization of their personal development, gaining of professional knowledge and skills, formation of active public position.

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