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Chaklader M. 
Telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) expression and role of vincristine sulfate in mouse model of malignancy related peritoneal ascites: an experimental metastatic condition / M. Chaklader, P. Das, J. A. Pereira, S. Chatterjee, P. Basak, A. Law, T. Banerjee, S. Chauhan, S. Law // Эксперим. онкология. - 2011. - 33, № 2. - С. 83-89. - Бібліогр.: 30 назв. - англ.

Aim - to evaluate the efficacy of intraperitoneal vincristine administration into ascitic sarcoma-180 bearing mice as a model of human malignant ascites regarding various peritoneal/retroperitoneal sarcomatosis, and to evaluate the flowcytometric telonierase reverse transcriptase expression for the diagnostic and prognostic purposes. Present study included disease induction by intraperitoneal homologous ascitic sarcoma-180 transplantation followed by in vivo intraperitoneal drug administration to study mitotic index, flowcytometric cell cycle and telonierase reverse transcriptase expression pattern, ervthrosin-B dye exclusion study for malignant cell viability assessment. Besides, in vitro malignant ascite culture in presence and absence of vincristine sulfate and survival study were also taken into consideration. Intraperitoneal vincristine administration (concentration 0,5 mg/kg body weight) significantly diminished the mitotic index in diseased subjects in comparison to untreated control subjects. Treated group of animals showed increased life span and median survival time. Cell viability assessment during the course of drug administration also revealed gradual depression on cell viability over time. Flowcytometric cell cycle analysis showed a good prognostic feature of chemotherapeutic administration schedule by representing high G2/M phase blocked cells along with reduced telomerase reverse transcriptase positive cells in treated animals. Conclusion: we conclude that long term administration of vincristine sulfate in small doses could be a good pharmacological intervention in case of malignant peritoneal ascites due to sarcomatosis as it indirectly reduced the level of telomerase reverse transcriptase expression in malignant cells by directly regulating cell cycle and simultane-ously increased the life expectancy of the diseased subjects.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р569.14-29


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