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Kulahin D. O. 
Rolling electrical complex on the basis of the criterion of minimizing the area under the curve of motion / D. O. Kulahin // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 2. - С. 60-66. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Generic description of the content of criterion of minimization of the area under the curve of the motion of the electrical complex. Methodology. The methods of variational calculus in the combination with mechanics approaches were used for systematic studies of the properties of the mobile object. By the optimal control over the motion of the electrical complex was understood such a choice of the sequence of the traction drive control modes, which ensures minimization of the criterion of optimality allowing for all restrictions imposed on the parameters and conditions of operation. The quantitative measure that characterizes the decision, i.e. the choice of the electrical complex motion control, was understood to be the criterion of optimality. Findings. We developed the analytical model of application of the criterion of minimization of the area under the curve of the motion of the electrical complex. It was proved that the minimization of the square, which is formed by the during its rotation about the x-axis, also leads to a decrease of the length of the and a corresponding decrease of traction. Originality. For the first time, the use of the criterion of minimizing the area under the curve of the movement was proposed and justified to develop operating procedure of traction drives of the mobile electromechanical objects, which allows for the minimum value of traction. In contrast to existing criteria, the proposed one allows implementing the optimal dynamic properties of the electrical system when in motion. Practical value. Based on the developed criterion the procedure of calculation of the parameters of the optimal motion curve was developed. It allows us to design systems of automatic regulation and control systems of traction drives, to perform testing, improvement, repair and diagnostics of systems of rolling electrical complex.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И164.22


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