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Cheberiachko S. I. 
Determination of insulating properties of half-masks of respirators in terms of pressure difference / S. I. Cheberiachko, O. O. Yavorska, V. V. Tykhonenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 2. - С. 88-92. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Improvement of the half-face respirator insulating properties testing procedure according to EN 140 standard. Methodology. The filtering half-masks have been tested on ten testees with the mounted simulators of filters on sodium chlorine and paraffin oil test-aerosols. During the test, it was required to perform seven 2-minute exercises. Findings. The technique for testing the insulating properties of half-face respirator taking into account air inflow along the obturation line has been developed. It is based on the comparison of the values of aspiration resistance of the respirators on a tightly sealed half-face respirator with a half-face respirator having small tubes of certain size and diameter inserted into the obturation line to simulate gaps. The difference between these aspiration resistances allows determining the value of the gap between the respirator and testee's face. Moreover, the results indicating the dependence of the protective efficiency on the location of the air inflows along the obturation line were presented. Originality. The dependence of the coefficient of test-aerosol penetration upon the value of airflow resistance of the filter and the location of the air inflow gap has been determined. Various dynamics of flows can be observed under the respirator and the location of the gaps near cheeks markedly affects the penetration coefficient. Practical value. The technique for measuring insulating properties of half-face respirators has been developed. It has been determined that the gaps to a maximum of 1 mm along the obturator do not affect the protective efficiency of the respirator.

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