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Maslak O. O. 
Enchantment of the information component of innovation development of industry / O. O. Maslak, K. O. Doroshkevych // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 2. - С. 139-144. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Definition of the complex of formal and informal measures, the implementation of which requires enhancement of an information security mechanism for innovation processes, the application of which contributes to the development of intellectual capital of enterprises, improvement of employees knowledge, and activation of management processes. Methodology. To achieve this goal we applied the theoretical generalization and systematization (for specification of enterprises' innovation investment pattern and significance of information security of innovation processes); theoretical and methodological analysis and expert assessment (for determination of the measures intended to enhance the information component of innovation and develop the mechanism on their basis); method of expert evaluations, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis (for determination of the results expected from the implementation of a range of formal and informal activities). Findings. Summarizing the role of the information security of the innovative processes at enterprises and determining the measures for its enhancement, which suit the current trends in the information support of the industry innovation processes and consider the motivational effect on the employees, the mechanism of strengthening the information component of innovation has been developed. Originality. The mechanism of enhancement of the information component of innovative development has been substantiated. It takes into account the improvement trends for information support of industrial innovative development based on the use of investment resources. Practical value. The mechanisms of enhancement of the information component of innovative development and the recommendations on the use of cloud platforms for information storage, software development and information systems, choice of reliable providers, formation of training programs for innovators, network expansion for Patent centres, integration of security and marketing teams for information-analytical work, insurance of career and education based on legislative changes complying with applicable laws and regulation requirements and standards of the EU, can be used in the enterprise management practice.

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