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Chekhun S. V. 
Significance of ferritin expression in formation of malignant phenotype of human breast cancer cells / S. V. Chekhun, N. Y. Lukyanova, Y. V. Shvets, A. P. Burlaka, L. G. Buchynska // Эксперим. онкология. - 2014. - 36, № 3. - С. 179-183. - Бібліогр.: 31 назв. - англ.

Aim - the aim of our study is to investigate the disorders of ferritin functioning in breast cancer (BC) cells of different molecular subtype. The cell lines used in the analysis include T47D, MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468, MCF- 10A, and 184A1. Ferritin heavy chains (FTH) expression was studied by immunohistochemical method. "Free iron" content and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity were determined by means of EPR spectroscopy. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) level and peculiarities of microRNA expression in studied cell lines were evaluated using flow cytometry and PCR analysis, respectively. It has been demonstrated, that FTH expression directly correlates with proliferative activity of cells of both luminal (r = 0,51) and basal subtypes (r = 0,25), inversely correlates with expression of steroid hormones in cells of basal subtype (ER; r = -0,46; PR: r = -0,44) and does not depend on tumorigenic activity of both subtypes of studied cells (r = 0,12 and r = 0,9). Obtained data are the evidence, that cells of luminal subtype B (MCF-7 cell line) and basal subtype (MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 cell lines) with high proliferative activity contain the highest level of free iron (2,9 +- 0,19 x 1016 and 3,0 +- 0,22 x 1016), that can be consequence of intensive use of this element by cells, which actively divide and grow. Along with it, in cell of lines of basal subtype MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468, high level of FTH (254 +- 2,3 and 270 +- 1,9) Is being detected in consequence of increase of level of free iron, ROS (11,3 +- 1,05 and 7,27 +- 0,26) and SOD (9,4 +- 0,24 and 8,5 +- 0,18) as well as decrease of expression of microRNA 200b. In contrast, cells oflumina) subtype B of MCF-7 line were distinguished by high expression of microRNA 200b and low ferritin level (125 +- 2,7). Conclusion: obtained data demonstrate that tumor cells, which are referred to different molecular subtypes, arc characterized by changes in system of support of balance of intercellular iron and certain associations of studied factors.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р569.133.1


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