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Chekhun V. F. 
Peculiarities of antioxidant system and iron metabolism in organism during development of tumor resistance to cisplatin / V. F. Chekhun, Y. V. Lozovska, A. P. Burlaka, N. Y. Lukyanova, I. N. Todor, L. A. Naleskina // Эксперим. онкология. - 2014. - 36, № 3. - С. 196-201. - Бібліогр.: 26 назв. - англ.

Aim - to study in vivo the peculiarities of changes of iron metabolism and antioxidant system in dynamics of growth of Guerin carcinoma with different sensitivity to cisplatin. In order to evaluate the content of metallothionein-1 (MT-1) in tumor homogenates and blood serum of rats with cisplatin-sensitive and cisplatin-resistant Guerin carcinoma the immunoenzyme method was used. The evaluation of ceruloplasmin activity, content of "free iron" complexes, superoxide and NO-generating activity of NADPH-oxidase and iNOS activity in neutrophils, blood serum and tumor homogenates was measured by EPR-spectroscopy. Maximal accumulation of MT-1 in blood serum and tumor, more pronounced in resistant strain, at the border of latent and exponential phase of growth has been shown that is the evidence of protective role of this protein in the respect to the generation of free radical compounds. It has been determined that in animals with cisplatin-resistant strain of Guerin carcinoma, increase of "free iron" complexes is more apparent both on the level of tumor and organism on the background on increase of CP/TR ratio that is the consequence of organism antioxidant protection system disorder. Conclutions: mentioned changes in metabolism of iron with its accumulation in tumor and further reprogramming of mitochondria metabolism and activity of NADPH - oxidase for non-transformed cells are favorable conditions for the formation of oxidative phenotype of tumor.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р56-52


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