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Sammal A. S. 
Geomechanical estimation of the effectiveness of sewer tunnel repair by the "pipe in pipe" technology / A. S. Sammal, O. V. Afanasova, O. M. Levishcheva // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 3. - С. 71-77. - Бібліогр.: 4 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The development of analytical methods for forecasting the stress state of sewer tunnel linings, reconstructed by the "pipe in pipe" technology, including ones in dense urban areas, the use of which allows geomechanical estimation of bearing capacity of the reconstructed facilities in operation in various mining conditions for opening stability to fulfill. Methodology. Obtaining rigorous solutions of the plane elasticity problems using the theory of analytic functions of a complex variable, conformal mapping method, apparatus of analytic continuation of complex potentials that are regular in the half-plane simulating the rock mass through its border, properties of Cauchy type integrals, Faber polynomials and complex series. Findings. A mathematical model of the interaction of a sewer tunnel restored by the "pipe in pipe" technology, with the surrounding rock (soil) mass, as elements of a common deformable system that allows more thoroughly considering the impact of mining and geological conditions, external influences, as well as the basic design parameters of the lining produced due to repairs, on the bearing capacity and strength of the reconstructed underground structure as a whole. Originality. A new approach to evaluating the effectiveness of repairing sewer tunnels, which is based on geomechanical criterion, obtained on a study of the stress state and bearing capacity of three-layer underground construction created by the "pipe in pipe" technology is proposed. Practical value. The development of an algorithm for determining the stress state of shallow collector tunnel linings, restored by the trenchless technology, under the action of various external loads and impacts, as well as while developing a software that enables to make multivariant designs restore sewer tunnel linings, both for research purposes and in practical design.

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