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Pliatsuk L. D. 
Industrial research studies of gas treatment device with a large hole sieve trays / L. D. Pliatsuk, L. L. Gurets, I. S. Kozii, R. A. Vaskin // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 3. - С. 95-100. - Бібліогр.: 6 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Dedusting efficiency determination of the device with large-hole sieve trays (LHST) in the chemical industry. Methodology. Dedusting efficiency determination was conducted according to the Murphy efficiency factor. Dust concentration at the device outlet was measured using the gravimetric method according to "The measurement technique of substance mass concentration in the form of suspended solid particles (dust) in the vent emissions of stationary sources using the gravimetric method at the gas-dust flow temperature under 600 <^>oC". Findings. The device with LHST was constructed to conduct the industrial test of dedusting efficiency in the titanium dioxide production facility according to the manufacturing instructions. Titanium dioxide gas dedusting efficiency was at the level of 99,2 % and ilmenite dedusting efficiency was at the level of 99,5 %. The authors provide recommendations concerning the operation of gas-cleaning device with LHST. The device with LHST can be used instead of the existing dedusting equipment at three stages of titanium dioxide production: ilmenite grinding, tempering and titanium dioxide grinding. Originality. On the basis of data pilot testing device, expressions are obtained to determine the velocity of the gas, ensuring stable operation of devices with LHST. Practical value. Based on the industrial tests recommendations have been developed for using the device with LHST in the chemical industry.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л111.5-5


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