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Xiaorong Xue 
A parallel fusion algorithm of multi-spectral image and panchromatic image based on wavelet transform / Xiaorong Xue, Fang Xiang, Hongfu Wang, Jinxi Peng // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 3. - С. 122-128. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To take the advantages of a variety of remote sensing data, the application of remote sensing image fusion is a very important choice. Remote sensing image fusion is large in computing capacity and time-consuming, and with the development of modern remote sensing technology, the amount of various remote sensing data obtained is getting larger and larger, the issue of how to fuse remote sensing image quickly and accurately and of getting useful information is becoming more and more urgent especially in some remote sensing applications such as disaster monitoring, prevention and relief, etc. In this paper, in order to fuse remote sensing image quickly and accurately, a parallel fusion algorithm of multi-spectral image and panchromatic image based on wavelet transform is proposed. Methodology. In the method, based on parallel computing, the low-frequency components of wavelet decomposition are fused with the fusion rule based on the feature matching, and the high-frequency components of wavelet decomposition are fused with the fusion rule based on the sub-region variance. Then the low-frequency components and the high-frequency components after fusion are processed with the inverse wavelet transform, and the fused image is obtained. Findings. The experiment results show that the proposed method can get better fusion results and faster computing speed for multi-spectral image and panchromatic image. Originality. In the proposed fusion algorithm of multi-spectral image and panchromatic image, wavelet transform and different proper fusion rules for low-frequency components and high-frequency components of wavelet decomposition are used. To get a high speed, parallel computing is also taken in some complex parts of the proposed fusion algorithm. Thus, better fusion results and faster computing speed are obtained. Practical value. The experiments have proved that the proposed algorithm can quickly get good fusion results for remote sensing images, and it is useful in remote sensing applications in some aspects such as disaster monitoring, prevention and relief, etc.

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