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Yegorov V. V. 
Forming mining students' professional competences while studying humanities / V. V. Yegorov, V. S. Portnov, Ye. G. Ogoltsova // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 3. - С. 135-139. - Бібліогр.: 6 назв. - англ.

On the base of Karaganda State Technical University (Kazakhstan) programs for computer support have been developed and introduced into the educational process promoting formation of professional competences of mining students while studying humanities. Purpose. To achieve quality changes in the process of forming professional competences of mining experts. To reorient the content of the variable part of humanities for mining specialties taking into account professional needs of students. Methods. They are based on developing and introducing the programs for computer support of teaching humanities (history, philosophy, sociology, political science, cultural science) in the educational process to form professional competences at mining students. Results. The results of the carried out experiment are presented which permit drawing a conclusion of quality changes in the course of forming professional competences of experts for the mining complex while using profession-focused programs of computer support in the educational process. Scientific novelty. The process of forming future miners' professional competences alongside with specific course units is for the first time carried out when studying humanities. Practical importance. As a result of the obtained data when studying humanities, positive dynamics is observed in the course of forming professional competences of mining students which is expressed in the positive relation to the profession and representatives of the professional community; understanding the public mission of the technical profession; understanding the social responsibility for adoption of technical and technological decisions; forming the attitude towards themselves as to professionals.

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