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Ermekov T. E. 
Mining robotic complex with adaptive control software (MRCACS) = Очисний роботизований комплекс з адаптивно-програмним керуванням (ОРКАПК) / T. E. Ermekov, T. K. Issabek, E. T. Issabekov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 4. - С. 23-30. - Бібліогр.: 6 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Creating a mining robot complex with adaptive control (MRAPCS) intended for coal extraction from local, off-balance reserves of coal seams (pillars for different purposes), as well as for the development of coal seams occurring in complex geological conditions, with the length of the longwall up to 45 - 60 m. The complex can be used for selective mining while mining shallow, inclined coal seams with hard-structural framework, as the EFM-4NА able to conduct the layering selective mining. Methodology. When doing research on a new type of coal mining complexes, a complex method was used that includes scientific generalization, analysis of practice data and prior industrial research, design and development, experimental studies, mine and bench studies, simulation, etc. Findings. The design has been selected and improved; the complex components including the excavation manipulators have been substantiated and investigated. The block diagram of the subsystems regulated by executive body while selecting the method of cutting has been developed, the issues of designing a model of elements of microcontroller process control systems have been observed, namely, the control system of robotic platform of excavation manipulator moving. The development of technical documentation, prototyping and production tests of the complex in one of the mines of Karaganda have been specified, which are expected to conduct research of processes and methods of destruction of hard rock, taking into account the dynamics of the interaction of the environment and the elastic properties of the links. Originality. An innovative way of coal cutting in the longwall, which provides a reduction in energy intensity of the formation of cutting up to 10 times over an existing shearer, is offered. The total capacity of electric paddle excavation is about 50 kW. Practical value. Introduction of the technology of coal mining with minimal presence of workers through the use of adaptive management software; reduction of energy intensity of destruction of mineral by the cutter machine and metal consumption of the coal mining complex and excavation manipulator by 2 - 3 times compared to existing narrow cutting shearers. The introduction of robotic technology systems will improve the efficiency of interaction between the human operator and the diagnostic system of the cleaning robot technology sector and minimize the risk for workers in underground coal mining. It becomes possible to reactivate and develop technological reserves of mineral deposits under complex geological conditions.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И310.1-5


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