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Jin Hong 
A trigger method based on magnetic induction in metal-enclosed space = Пусковий метод на основі магнітної індукції в металозамкненому просторі / Jin Hong, Sun Lining // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 5. - С. 74-78. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. As the application environment of storage test technology is getting worse and worse, the trigger signal with the function of wake becomes the key to the success of the test. In this paper, a new method that induces changes of the intensity of magnetization to implement trigger is proposed. This method is very useful for solving the harsh environment of metal-enclosed space. Methodology. We design a kind of thin film coils which are placed inside the metal shell. It can induct the slight changes in the magnetic field, and output corresponding induction electromotive force which will be amplified to meet requirements of the trigger signal. Findings. By theoretical and experimental analysis, this method can be used to realize the trigger with the metalenclosed space. Moreover, it can improve the reliability of the trigger by several times to generate the trigger signal. Originality. We designed a controlled variable magnetic field, a flexible thin-film coil and a signal processing unit. These can achieve the metal confined space of the trigger problem. The research on this aspect has not been found at present. Practical value. We also increase the reliability of the trigger design, and the optimization of the system can be used to achieve the best form of trigger. This provides a certain way and method to extend the application field of storage test technology.

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