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Kolesnik V. Ye. 
Dynamic parameters estimation of dust emissions of heat-and-power objects of coal mines = Оцінка динамічних показників пилових викидів теплоенергетичних об'єктів вугільних шахт / V. Ye. Kolesnik, A. V. Pavlichenko, Yu. V. Buchavy // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 5. - С. 91-97. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The development of estimation and prediction methods of dynamic parameters of dust emissions for coal-fired heat-and-power objects. Methodology. The methods are based on the fact that the productivity of a heat-and-power objects is of stochastic nature. To determine the dynamic parameters of dust emissions from a flue of mine boiler facility the solutions of mathematic problem of random process emission in a definite level were used. The concentration of dust particles in the emissions of a heat-and-power object is determined as based on the selective realization of the random process of capacity in one-month period. To determine the peculiarities of maximum surface concentrations distribution and graph dust dispersion with respect to productivity of heat-and-power objects we used the UPRZA "EKOtsentr" software implementing the main principles of OND-86 methods. Findings. The estimation of dynamics of productivity and dust emissions was carried out, which can be used for the monitoring of the degree of ecological danger of the emissions of heat-and-power objects of coal mining enterprises. The estimations of dust emission dynamics of heat-and-power objects allow improvement of prediction reliability for atmospheric air pollution in coal mining regions, as well as its danger level, in comparison with the estimation based on the average annual emission volumes. Originality. The estimation and prediction methods of dynamic indicators of particulate matter (dust) emissions by heat-and-power objects of mines with respect to the volume of their solid fuel consumption were developed. Practical value. The obtained regularity of pollutant ventilation, emitted by heat-and-power objects of mines, enables prediction of the levels of pollution for environmental objects of the adjacent territories, as well as taking timely air protection measures.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И31-42


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