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Busygin B. S. 
Dataware of Internet-center for monitoring of land resources use in Ukraine = Інформаційне забезпечення Internet-центру моніторингу використання земельних ресурсів України / B. S. Busygin, G. M. Korotenko, S. L. Nikulin, I. M. Garkusha, K. L. Sergieieva // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 5. - С. 115-125. - Бібліогр.: 41 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To systematize domestic and foreign experience of usage of space remote sensing data, transformation methods for different-level and different-time datasets and program tools for their processing under creation of a national Internet-center of soil state monitoring and development of methods for controlling seasonal dynamics of soil processes. Methodology. Scientific and theoretical analysis of literature on the researched topic is used. Methodological approaches being formed are summarized. They are aimed at solving the task of identification and forecasting changes in soil characteristics affecting the deterioration of the basic indicators of its physical state. Findings. The main requirements are formulated and necessary components for creation of architecture of information, methodical and program implementation of the Ukrainian Internet-center for monitoring and analysis of space remote sensing data are determined. Originality. For the first time in Ukraine the methodological and architectural principles of creation of information system for monitoring and space surveys data analysis are formulated and formalized. One of the most important tasks is to monitor territories in order to increase the efficiency of their use. Practical value. The received results can be used for preparation and implementation of the main stages of creating the Internet-center for remote sensing data monitoring and analysis in order to solve problems of more efficient use of land resources in Ukraine.

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