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Vlaskina S. I. 
Structure of photoluminescence DL-spectra and phase transformation in lightly doped SiC crystals and films / S. I. Vlaskina, G. N. Mishinova, V. I. Vlaskin, V. E. Rodionov, G. S. Svechnikov // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2015. - 18, № 2. - С. 209-214. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

In this work, the results of investigations of DLi spectra in alpha-SiC crystals and films with a low impurity concentration have been presented. Photoluminescence spectra of lightly doped SiC single crystals and films with the impurity concentration of ND - NA ~ <$E(2~-~8)~cdot~10 sup 16 ~roman cm sup -3>, ND ~ <$E(5~-~8)~cdot~10 sup 17 ~roman cm sup -3>, and <$EN sub D ~-~N sub A ~>>~3~cdot~10 sup 17 ~roman cm sup -3>, <$EN sub D ~symbol У~1~cdot~10 sup 18 ~roman cm sup -3> (NDL-samples) were investigated within the temperature range 4,2 - 77 K. Complex spectroscopic study of one-dimensional disordered structures caused by solid phase transformations in SiC crystals was presented. Disordered growth D-layers in lightly doped crystals and alpha-SiC films were investigated using low temperature photoluminescence. The analysis testifies that DL and SF spectra hand-in-hand follow the structure transformations. It has been shown that the DL and SF spectra of luminescence reflect the fundamental logic of SiC polytypes structure. This allows to observe the structure changes at the phase transformations, the growth of SiC polytypes and to control their aggregates.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В379.24


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