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Kleiman J. 
Residual stress management in welded elements and structures = Менеджмент остаточных напряжений в сварных элементах и конструкциях / J. Kleiman, Yu. Kudryavtsev // Вісн. Нац. техн. ун-ту України "КПІ". Сер. Машинобудування. - 2015. - № 3. - С. 5-13. - Бібліогр.: 32 назв. - англ.

Residual stresses introduced before, during or after welding may change considerably the engineering properties of materials and structural components by affecting their fatigue life, distortion, dimensional stability, corrosion resistance, etc. They play an exceptionally significant role in fatigue of welded elements. The concept of residual stress management is helping the welding community to fully understand the effect of residual stresses by addressing major aspects of residual stresses in welds and welded structures. According to the concept three major stages, i.e. RS determination, RS analysis and RS redistribution are considered and evaluated, either experimentally or theoretically to achieve the optimum performance of welded structures. The welding community benefits directly from the RSM concept at all stages of the welding process. This report will provide an overview on the advancements made in addressing the development of instrumentation for providing solutions in the major stages of the RSM concept. New examples of industrial applications of the developed engineering tools for residual stress analysis and fatigue `life improvement of welded elements and structures are given.

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