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Pushonkova O. A. 
The perspective of the visual language in the space of contemporary culture = Перспективи візуальної мови в просторі сучасної культури / O. A. Pushonkova // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Філософія. - 2015. - № 31. - С. 71-77. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

The impossibility of complete mastering the interdisciplinary research field of contemporary forms of visuality results in certain difficulties in forming a common methodology for the analysis various visual phenomena. The textuality of contemporary visual language allows to pay attention to the different contexts which shape the visual language in the value field of a particular culture. The question of how the modern era's values change visual language, which texts and contexts do they form, has become actual. Purpose. The purpose is to study the features of modern visual language, the nature of its contextual content in conditions of the information culture and in spread of ethical and hedonistic logic thinking.Methods. Philosophical and aesthetic synthesis in unity with the principles of art criticism and cultural analysis. The comparative method and the method of theoretical modeling are used. Results. The paper investigates the characteristics of visual language in consumer society, considers its orientation on entertaining and hedonism. The influence of commercial contexts to a new stylistic paradigm of visuality and a new type of art modeling of the world are stated. The article focuses on the contradictory nature of the media spaces in contemporary culture. The reorientation from consumption with its simplified visual schemes to the creation encourages to find new methods of the hologram vision and art therapy strategies. The visuality, which generates efforts to build its own identity, is a new form of anthropocentrism. Originality. The research focuses on the connection of visualization strategies with the values of the epoch and the formation of human identity with modern anthropotechniques, which form the ability of personal choice in a visually undefined situation. Conclusion. Visuality nowadays is understood not so much as a piece of cumulative text of culture, but rather as a specific method of production of values. The reproduction of the credible experience should take place through "proper" experience, which requires the involvement of art-therapy strategies in visual strategies. The universalism of visual language as the language of human relations requires further research.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ю252:Ч


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