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Kolesnyk V. Ye. 
Substantiation of rational parameters of perforated area of partitions in an improved mine water settling basin = Обгрунтування раціональних параметрів перфорованої області перегородок в удосконаленому відстійнику шахтної води / V. Ye. Kolesnyk, D. V. Kulikova, A. V. Pavlychenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 6. - С. 120-127. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Scientific substantiation of the most rational geometrical parameters of the perforated area (shape and configuration of holes relative to each other) of vertical cross partitions placed in an improved mine water settling basin in order to increase their flow factor and, consequently, the efficiency of treatment (clearing) of water through removal of suspended particles. Methodology. Selection of a partition perforation pattern is carried out on the basis of study and comparison of perforated area geometrical parameters, namely shape, size of holes and their configuration relative to each other; a correction factor that allows determining a distance between hole centers (perforation pitch); partition perforated area flow factor. Findings. The partition perforated area flow factors have been determined for various perforation patterns. Analytical dependences of a partition perforated area flow factor change on the distance between hole centers have been obtained. Originality. Revealed regularities of the partition perforated area flow factor change with a correction factor value allow determining a distance between hole centers for various perforation patterns. The dependencies (in the form of graphs and regression equations) between suspended particles settling depth in the improved settling basin and mine water treatment efficiency have been first identified for various perforation patterns. Practical value. The research findings allowed justifying rational geometrical parameters of the perforated area of vertical cross partitions placed in an improved mine water settling basin. Implementation of findings will allow increasing efficiency of mine waters cleaning from suspended particles, as well as decreasing the level of surface waters contamination in coal mining regions.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И17-5


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