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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Antonova M. 
Enumeration as a means of financial markets data representation / M. Antonova // Advanced education : зб. наук. пр.. - 2016. - Вип. 5. - С. 60-64. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

Cognitive linguistics has developed into one of the most attractive and influential frameworks within linguistics at large. And it draws the linguists' attention to the study of aspects of language within cognitive paradigm as reflections of conceptual organization and categorization principles, as well as the ways of presenting knowledge about the world. This paper focuses on the cognitive analysis of enumeration as an instrument for organizing and conveying domain-specific information. The aim of the analysis is to establish the role of enumeration as a way of arriving at true knowledge of the world. The tasks of the research consist in the description of enumeration as a means of knowledge representation, as well as the study of the peculiarities of enumeration as a means of representation of financial markets information. The novelty of the analysis is defined by the study of enumeration as a means of representation of financial markets information. The theoretical value of the analysis is reasoned with the study of enumeration as a way of organizing knowledge that reflects collective experience of the community within a specific environment. The results of the study of enumeration in economic discourse show that it serves to structure and represent domain-specific knowledge.

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