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Hodlevska K. 
European dimension of professional training of primary school teachers in Hungary: experience for Ukraine / K. Hodlevska // Advanced education : зб. наук. пр.. - 2016. - Вип. 5. - С. 65-72. - Бібліогр.: 11 назв. - англ.

The article analyzes the features of the organizational structure and content of vocational teacher training in Hungary at present time. It also reveals the positive factors that contribute to the improvement of Hungarian higher education system under the Bologna agreement. It has been found that according to the type of qualification, the Hungarian teacher education system prepares preschool teachers (ovodapedagogus), primary school teachers (tanito), junior middle school teachers (tanarand), senior middle school teachers (kozepiskolai tanar), special teacher-trainers (gyogypedagogm). The curricula of teacher training in "Primary education" have been studied. The comparative analysis of training primary school teachers in Hungary and Ukraine was performed and possibilities of implementing progressive ideas of Hungarian experience in reforming teacher education in Ukraine have been considered. According to the Hungarian model of teacher education, revised in light of the Bologna process, the practical primary school teacher training takes place during the 2nd cycle of studies. That means that the Hungarian model, unlike the Ukrainian one, presupposes the teaching practice only for those students who choose pedagogical area at admission to a Master's programme. A positive feature of content formation of Hungarian teacher training is the priority of practical training, which implies acquisition of practical-oriented knowledge, providing professional and personal development of future teachers. Specific ways to further improvement of the national system of teachers training based on creative use of progressive ideas of Hungarian experience are outlined.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч424(4)


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