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Drizhd N. A. 
Coal bed methane of Karaganda basin in the gas balance of the Republic of Kazakhstan: status and prospects = Метан угольных пластов Карагандинского бассейна в газовом балансе Республики Казахстан: состояние и перспективы / N. A. Drizhd, R. K. Kamarov, D. R. Akhmatnurov, N. M. Zamaliyev, I. M. Shmidt-Fedotova // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 1. - С. 12-20. - Бібліогр.: 6 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Preliminary evaluation of coalbed methane resources. Substantiation of the relevance of the development of the fuel and energy complex of the country based on the study and implementation of non-conventional sources of energy raw materials, among which, one of the most important is coalbed methane. Methodology. The methodical basis was to collect, analyse and generalize the results of the world experience of commercial production of coal bed methane defining the methane reservoir characteristics of coal seams in comparison with traditional gas and geotechnical parameters of CBM fields prospects for commercial production of methane. Findings. The analysis of the world and national literature on the experience of the development of coal bed methane is presented. The problems of methane extraction technologies, assessment of the resource base of coal deposits of the Republic of Kazakstan are reviewed. The expediency of industrial extraction of methane in the Karaganda basin is substantiated. A comparative analysis and comparison of geological parameters of coal deposits in the Republic of Kazakstan and foreign countries, where projects of coal-bed methane production are successfully implemented. Originality. Scientific novelty consists in the following: the differences in terms of location and movement of natural gas in conventional porous and fractured reservoirs, and methane in coal seams, which predetermine differences in methods of exploring and technologies of the development of traditional gas and CBM fields are determined; characteristics and criteria of industrial importance of coalbed methane resources for commercial production are identified; the objective conditions of the prospects of technology development and production of methane from coal seams in the Karaganda basin are substantiated. Practical value. To create the new gas industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the integrated development of gas-bearing coal deposits to solve a wide range of social, energy and environmental problems in Central Kazakhstan.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И181.1


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