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Shcherbakov P. 
Statistical research of shovel excavator performance during loading of rock mass of different crushing quality = Статистические исследования производительности одноковшовых экскаваторов при погрузке горной массы различного качества дробления / P. Shcherbakov, D. Klymenko, S. Tymchenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 1. - С. 49-54. - Бібліогр.: 5 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Applying technical means to control excavator performance and quality of rock crushing by explosion. Establishing the dependence of time consumption required for rock mass excavation on its particle size distribution and mathematical description of this dependence as a function of two variables. Methodology. The methodological basis to solve the problem is a comprehensive approach including research by means of IGS-5M devices, applying mathematical statistics methods and analysing the results in the mathematical package. Findings. The possibility to maintain operational control of the time consumption required for rock mass excavation and direct measurement of its particle size distribution at the same time has been implemented. The concept of cycle rate has been introduced and its dependence on the mean diameter of the piece has been determined. The empirical formula to determine excavator technical performance as a function of two variables that uniquely characterize the quality of rock mass fragmentation has been obtained. Originality. For the first time in the practice of mining the hardware specifically designed for operational control of excavators and crushing of rocks by explosion has been used (IGS-5M devices is in the invention stage). A two-parameter distribution function of the rock mass particle size distribution was proposed where one parameter is the size of the dominant fraction, the other one is the fraction in the test volume of blasted rock. The formula to determine excavator technical performance as a function of specified parameters has been obtained. Practical value. Applying specified devices while organizing and carrying out mining operations will allow using technically feasible solutions at the design stage of mass explosions. Using the formula to calculate excavator technical performance in specific conditions will help improve planning technological processes, especially the rational distribution of freight flows. In the long view, the above mentioned formula will be a critical part of the mathematical model while optimizing basic technological processes at the open pits.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И220-51


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