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Filimonikhin G. 
Conditions of replacing a single-frequency vibro-exciter with a dual-frequency one in the form of passive auto-balancer = Условия замены одночастотного вибровозбудителя на двухчастотный в виде пассивного автобалансира / G. Filimonikhin, V. Yatsun // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 1. - С. 61-68. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To define conditions of replacing a single-frequency vibro-exciter with a dual-frequency one in the form of a passive auto-balancer in the vibration machine with a translatory rectilinear motion of the box. Methodology. Elements of the theory of vibration machines and classical mechanics for creation and the analysis of mechanic-mathematical models of the basic and modernized machines are used. Findings. Parameters of the modernized machine (with the dual-frequency vibro-exciter in the form of the passive auto-balancer) are selected analytically at which the amplitude and frequency of slow vibrations of its box are equal to the amplitude and forced oscillation frequency of the box of the basic machine (with the single-frequency inertial vibro-exciter) with a translatory rectilinear motion of the box. The results allow calculating parameters of resonant vibration machines with dual-frequency vibro-exciters in the form of passive auto-balancers. It is established that the frequency of slow vibrations of the modernized machine is influenced by a stiffness coefficient of supports while the amplitude of these vibrations is influenced by a coefficient of forces of viscous resistance of the support. Modernization of the screen of GIL 42 allowed reducing the total mass of the rotating parts of the vibro-exciter by 3,4 times. Originality consists in definition of conditions of replacing the single-frequency inertial vibro-exciter in the vibration machine with translatory rectilinear motion of the box with the dual-frequency vibro-exciter in the form of the passive auto-balancer. Practical value consists in the possibility to design the new power efficient and high-performance vibration machines combining advantages of resonant and dual-frequency vibration machines.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ж605.3


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