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Майборода Г. Я. 
Технологія самоосвіти майбутніх соціальних працівників / Г. Я. Майборода // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2016. - № 8. - С. 74-80. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - укp.

An integral component of future social workers' professional training is self-education. Namely self-education is determined by many researchers as a way and result of a specialist's qualitative personal growth. Modern teachers of higher educational establishments as well as practitioners in the field of social sphere turn to scientists with questions about: search of methods, techniques, technologies of an individual's involvement to self-education; increase of motivation to self-education activities; reaching a high self-education level and so on. However, the lack of practical skills, inability to choose and use modern and efficient methods of self-education complicate this process and negatively affect its results. These issues require scientific-and-theoretical understanding, practical testing and grounding. The urgent need for future social workers' professional training at higher educational establishments is to create new ways of self-education; transfer of knowledge and forming skills that would provide an opportunity for students during their studies at a higher educational establishment to acquire independently modern information necessary for solving customers' urgent problems, to use it for self-development and self-improvement. The topicality of the chosen theme is due to existing contradictions between: the need for continuous improvement of the process of students' self-education and the lack of validity of methodological approaches to future social workers' self-education; current requirements to a social worker's professional activities and insufficient awareness of the role and place of self-education in future social workers professional training; the need of technologization of students' self-education and traditional approach to its organization at higher educational establishments. By means of observations (direct and indirect), discussions, study of educational and methodical documentation, comparative analysis, which were carried out in the process of teaching and learning by students of subjects professionally oriented discipline training in practical departments; conducting educational and social work was singled out. The purpose of this article is to analyze the existing works on issues of future social workers' self-education technology and development and justification of stages of the technology. Self-education is a social process that is based, on the one hand, on demands of a society to a certain profession, and, on the other hand, it depends on the attitude of a professional to the requirements imposed by society to the profession. The process of self-education is a technology represented by several interrelated stages aimed at obtaining a guaranteed positive result. It is necessary to mention that the developed by us structure and content of the technology of future social workers' self-education has three stages: initial, basic, final. The initial stage of the technology involves studying students' needs as for self-education, identification of existing motives as for self-education (cognitive, activity, training, professional).

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч481.203


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