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Zvyahina M. 
Geodesic work optimization for determining likely marks of water level in the different systems of heights = Оптимізація геодезичних робіт для визначення ймовірних позначок рівнів води в різних системах висот / M. Zvyahina, I. Trevoho, J. Kostetska // Геодезія, картографія і аерофотознімання : Укр. міжвід. наук.-техн. зб.. - 2016. - Вип. 84. - С. 5-16. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

Purpose. There is a need for State leveling network reconstruction through the determination of Reineke - Tenberg mark in BS77 for optimization of geodetic works in marine industry, which will allow determination of BS zero mark in the State Height system BS77 at each water gauge station. The possibility permits the matching of the State Leveling system of the country with leveling systems of the neighboring countries which is expected within framework of fulfilling the UELN project. Methodology and the results of the work. By projecting, construction, and reconstruction of the marine industry objects after height system BS77 implementation, several difficulties arose connected with the use of GNSS - technologies, height network, polygonometry, created in BS, as well as marks of interval water levels at gauge stations. The outstanding difficulties as to heights arose by construction of narrow hydrotechnical objects of substantial amounts, considering the marks by contractions are interval water levels. The geodesist M. S. Zvyahina investigated the problem for the first time in 2006, and not hydrologist was employed. Any data on BS77 and even the name of system BS77 itself were absent in the beginning. Therefore, in the port cities the decisions on the values differences between the systems were not considered by the Department of UAGS (all-union astornomo-geodetic society). SE "CHORNOMORNDIPROEKT" as early as 1983 there were average differences throughout GUGK USSR for the many sea ports excluding those, which had differences from UAGS. However, it became necessary to collect the data as to difference in the height marks values of matched lines, changes of values within the time for different terrains, but in BS77. Then it became obvious, that new system did have its zero. The territories of different ports were searched for stability as well as for changes of values within time for the constant subsiding. The tables for approximations for some marksvary 70 years backward and forward. The researched behavior for the outstandingly subsiding territory - is port Poti and its water gauge station. Using the data of the Ukrainian scientist [Marchenko, Yarema, 2006] on the constant rate of rising level of the Black Sea was determined by the satellite altimetry level and average sea level, through the approximation of the marks of the working and control reference marks, matched to the BS as well as to BS77 for Poti area for the selected 2005 year. The level minus 5,6 cm against level 5,4 cm was determined (Fig. 3) out of [Marchenko, Yarema, 2006]. Our research and conclusions as to two different zeros BS and BS77 was confirmed by copying from the Instructions on office processing of measured exceedance data and induction of two groups of adjustments, after which the exceedances remain measured but ready for balancing. BS was implemented when the first group of adjustments was mastered, and BS77 - when both groups were used at the same time. Thus, these two independent systems, the relations between which should be determined by adjustment and gravity affection on the Kronstadt footstock, as well as on each point of the physical surface, in order to secure the transition to BS77, if there is a need to use earlier data and GNSS-technologies. Academic novelty. We state the system error as found, which can be easily computed on the Kronstadt footstock through the determination of its quasigeoid mark in BS, which allows the quasigeoid EGG97 to be easily transformed into adopted in Ukraine as well as in other Eastern European countries system "Baltic 77".

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д131


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